Can I Paddleboard at Buttermere?

About Buttermere

Cockermouth, CA13 9XA
54.5311° N, -3.2645° W
Buttermere is a lake in the Lake District which is approximately 1.2 mi in length and has a maximum depth of 28.6 metres. Its primary outflow is Buttermere Dubs, a short stream which connects the lake to Crummock Water. Thi and Crummock Water are both quieter than some of the other lakes in the Lake District.
Because this is one of the quieter lakes in the Lake District, it can make for a more leisurely paddle. A license is required to paddleboard on Buttermere and can be acquired by contacting the National Trust. Day permits are also available and can be purchased from the nearby car parks.

Permit required


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